
Showing posts from December, 2012

Treasures in Heaven

I can't tear myself away from the coverage of what happened at Sandy Hook Elementary. It hits home in all areas of my life: professionally and personally. The little faces of the students that were killed remind me so much of Harrison and Henry. I can't imagine what those parents are going through. The stories that come out about each little kid and the pictures that they post makes me so sad. And then I think about all of the times that I sat through a drill as a classroom teacher to prepare for a situation like the teachers experience d las t Friday. One time at my school, t eachers weren't warned ahead of time that there would be an intruder drill. It occurred to me that our school could be under some sort of an attack. I prepared like I was trained to do, but debated how to react if someone entered my classroom. I am a mom. I have two little boys. But there were so many other little kids whose parents who trust me to protect their students and keep them safe. Would


It's in the sweet memory of my Grandpap's smell of leather and shampoo; the way he would twiddle his thumbs while he drove. It's in the dust of the pews, the statue of the crucifix, and the stained glass windows of St. Patrick's church; where I first remember His whispers. When I look over the ocean and feel the briny smell of the air as the sun kisses my skin. I watch the waves crash and melt back into the sea. There's a depth there that I can't place. The silent magic at Christmas. The decorations, the pine, the lights, the tinsel. A universal understanding that there's something more; it implores our soul to believe in the unseen. The plump softness of a baby's fat leg. The peace that comes when those hands touch my face, or when he falls asleep on my chest. Weekend trips with friends. Playing "Casper" and praying with my baby brother.  The warm smell of pumpkin pie at Grandma's and the sound of my aunts and cousins laughing. A l

His Plan

It was fall semester 2002 at Mira Costa when I first noticed Jon. I was in "elementary math", a pre-requisite for elementary school teachers. The first day of school, I tried to get his attention. I was paired up with an older man to introduce one another to the class. I did my best to be funny and get Jon to laugh. The rest of the class did, but he made no notice. This was out of character for me. I usually was not the type to try and scope out my classmates. I liked making friends at school, but I was not really ever wanting to date anyone. I remember later, sitting in a group with all of the younger girls in our class; each one gorgeous. I got an answer from each, that every one already had a boyfriend. "That one's mine." I said. He would walk past me every day after class, and not even look at me. He seemed like a pretentious jock. But there was something different about him. I had to find a way to get him to take me on a date. I felt a sense of urgency; he