
Showing posts from December, 2013

Hallie and Joshua.

I've been trying to post about Hallie every week since she was born, and I have had such a hard time explaining in words this transition of having a new, sweet, easy, perfect little girl added to our family. I haven't been able to say what I want to, and I think it's because the kind of love that you have for a child is impossible to explain. I keep coming across as too cheesy or really wordy. But I feel like posting about her, because I want to remember this time. God has been at work in so many different ways, and I feel like if I don't write it I will forget it. So here goes my really selfish blog post... Four weeks ago today, Hallie was born. I love her. She is such an easy going, little blessing. She loves her brothers; which I can't REALLY tell because she is so new, but she gets so calm around them. If she is crying, I can lay her down where they are playing (lego's, coloring, fighter guys...whatever) and she will stop and watch them. When they hold h