
Showing posts from October, 2014

God's Plan

I've always wanted three kids. I never really minded whether I had a boy or a girl, but after Harrison and Henry, I felt like there was someone missing.  When Hallie came, our family seemed so complete. She was to icing on the cake, and the sweetest blessing. Since she's come, I have been encouraged and delighted by her presence in our family. Everyone fits. Everyone has their own room. The boys are best friends, and the sweetest older brothers. Our family was exactly where it needed to be.... Or so I thought. It was a cloudy day in May that I had just finished feeding Hallie. I set her on the floor, and I sat next to her with my laptop. Henry was coloring, and I was finishing up grading some papers, when I felt it. The first trimester sick. Medal taste in my mouth. Nauseous...and I ignored it. There was no way. I had a 5 month old. So I kept grading, and Hallie played with her floor toys. Henry asked for a glass of water. I got up, and felt it again. Immediately, I looke

Eternal Perspective

I love the story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. They could have lied and denied God as their own, but they instead stood up to Nebuchadnezzar, and were forced to go into a furnace that was turned up so hot, the guards who threw them in, were burnt. Miraculously, they survived the fire, and were even seen being protected by a fourth figure. When I was 19, I couldn't go a day without seeing the beach. If my day wasn't filled with going to work, and school, and doing something fun, I felt unsettled. I loved to travel; Hawaii, Mexico, Jamaica, New York...I was always looking for the next best thing. I am not going to lie and say that those things don't matter. I love to travel. And I love the beach. But as I have gotten further along in my walk with Jesus, I am learning to value other things in life. I don't need to be filled with a constant high of doing something exciting that day. I am learning that sometimes when life brings storms, and when the day doesn't