
Showing posts from September, 2013

What if....

"Whoever tries to keep their life will lose it, and whoever loses their life will preserve it." Luke 17:33 I see Jesus here, echoing the voices of the past. I love that the Bible is filled with such a strong account of characters who fail so often to trust God.  I fail so often to live out it's message. But what if God's word is really true? What if I REALLY lost my life in Him? I mean...really let go? I was looking through my prayer journal, and thinking about my requests to God. Every day, I fervently pray for my kids, my job, Jon, my friends, my family, my house...but then, I start my day and after surrendering it all, I take it all back. And for some reason, I fear that if I'm not in control of my life, that somehow, things will fall apart. And for another reason, I don't always know what it looks like in certain moments to let go. Emotions and circumstances come at me quickly. Instead of falling on my knees and seeking His will, I react. I react in

Baby Lala Week 31

9 more weeks...I can do this, right? I know it's been a while since I last blogged about being pregnant, but I thought I was getting pretty over kill for a bit there...and repetitive. How many times can I say: "I am so happy, but so miserable?" Since my last post about baby lala, we found out that she is a girl. Little Hallie Mckenzie Jones will make her debut soon! I felt led tonight to sit and write. It's been so long since I've been able to, and now that Jon is coaching late again, I have a minute to myself. The football game is on, and the air conditioning is on (it's about 100 degrees outside in Southern California...don't we pay for 78 degree weather? What the heck is up with this humidity? This big pregnant lady is DUN with this weather)...and I thought it would be nice to document a little bit of this. I can taste it. That moment that you get to hold your baby, and you think that you can do another 9 months, just to feel that amazing high o