Baby Lala Week 31

9 more weeks...I can do this, right?

I know it's been a while since I last blogged about being pregnant, but I thought I was getting pretty over kill for a bit there...and repetitive. How many times can I say: "I am so happy, but so miserable?"

Since my last post about baby lala, we found out that she is a girl. Little Hallie Mckenzie Jones will make her debut soon!

I felt led tonight to sit and write. It's been so long since I've been able to, and now that Jon is coaching late again, I have a minute to myself. The football game is on, and the air conditioning is on (it's about 100 degrees outside in Southern California...don't we pay for 78 degree weather? What the heck is up with this humidity? This big pregnant lady is DUN with this weather)...and I thought it would be nice to document a little bit of this.

I can taste it. That moment that you get to hold your baby, and you think that you can do another 9 months, just to feel that amazing high of giving birth again. But ooohhh my goodness...9 weeks seems so far away!

Currently, I have a lot of emotions in considering what is about to go down. I am completely in "lala" land thinking about how excited I am to have a little girl. Trying to imagine how she will look, and what it will be like to watch her grow up give me such excitement. And decorating her room is so much more fun than it was decorating for the boys. I start to cry when I watch dads with their daughters; I know that Jon will be so good with her.

I know the boys will be so excited, too. They will be such good big brothers. They are both past the point of needing me for every little thing. It is going to be so different than when I had Harrison. He was 2, and the first few weeks were quite the transition to try to teach him that he was not the only kid. While he was technically excited to have a baby brother, he still acted out for a while in regards to having to share my time. I felt so torn when Henry first came about how to manage my time between the two. I know that introducing Hallie will be much different now. The boys are best friends, and generally keep one another company. While I am preparing for the worst in trying to deal with juggling the attention of yet another kid in the house, I am confident that it won't be as trying as it was when Henry was born.

While I am daydreaming, and so excited, I am also very aware that my world is going to be so different. Harrison started kindergarten. I am driving him to school every day, to come home to work, and entertain Henry. We have late nights at Awana's, and Jon is embarking upon his first year of coaching varsity basketball; which means he is home late most nights, and gone most weekends. For Harrison and Henry, I was super scheduled with their nap time, play time, feeding time, and bed time. I know that I will have to stick to some sort of schedule, but that it will be a constant juggling act fitting in so many different activities for the boys, and very little help at night, because Jon will be gone.

It's going to be rough around here for a bit until I get my routine down, and then it will be rough again. I look forward to see what God decides to teach me through yet another busy, trying season! And I look forward to some interesting blog posts (if there is time) about the craziness that will happen here.

But even that prospect doesn't take away from the fact that I am SO ready. So ready to meet this lil bundle. I am thankful and blessed beyond words by my boys; I love them so much. Losing my mind raising them is the best thing ever. Their tantrums, their cuddles, their sweet words, and their weird antics are a daily trial and a daily blessing. It is hard to believe that there will be another one around here to steal my heart.

I am SO done being pregnant, but I love her already. I love the way that she moves. The way I can't breath because of all of the room that she takes up. I am so excited to meet little Hallie.


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