
Showing posts from June, 2012


I lack patience. So much so that honestly, when I have it, I know it's the Holy Spirit working through me. Sitting at the DMV, waiting for the computer to load, watching a commercial, or getting in line at Costco literally gives me heart palpitations. I know I am a product of my culture, because it is so America of me to choose to give my kids the microwave chicken nuggets, rather than actually make them chicken because I don't have patience to cook every night. For the most part, we all are impatient. We don't even go to the store anymore. We DVR our television shows because it's the WORST sitting through another Tide commercial. So wait  a half hour to watch a show rather than wait two minutes during each commercial break. We spend $10 on shipping so that we don't have to drive to the mall to buy a gift for the baby shower. I know you do it. You must. In 2009, on line retail sales were at $134.9 billion nationwide. In 2011? $171.1 billion ( )

The Cross

Why do I have such a hard time grasping the glory of the cross? It's almost as if maybe I have heard about it so often, and that it is such a regular theme of our culture (Christmas, Easter, etc) that it is rare that I recognize the abundance of freedom that Christ gifted me when I accepted Him as my Savior. Maybe if I allowed my mind open to the reality of His action there, I would have a much lighter load to carry on my own. I was released of my sin. It was pardoned. And despite my iniquities, and my failure to live this life righteously, Christ willingly understood the depths of my heart, saw that it was not good, and stepped in order that I not pay the penalties that I deserve. I accepted this free gift a long time ago, but it is hard for me to daily meditate on this fact as a reality. Life often gets in the way of this realization. I have kids to raise, bills to pay, bosses to ablidge to, and I forget about my Savior. Despite the fact that I try my best to have a relationshi

Dance like David

David's character resonates with me. I love his passion, his zeal, and his love for the Lord. He was not afraid to bear his heart. Whether scared, excited, or humbled, David was always transparent. His honesty is refreshing. As a Hebrew, it was not common practice to dance in the streets. I believe there are many disagreements as to whether it was appropriate or not for David to behave in such an exorbitant manner after the ark of the covenent was placed back to his people. I love that David was able express himelf in such a way! Despite his wife's anger, and despite what others thought, David presents the public with an unconfined, overstated practice of worship. He disregarded the opinion of others and simply "danced with all of this might". Danced with all of his might! I don't know another verse in the bible that just speaks to me like this one. It is so inspiring; David's love for God. He is such a child at heart. He has such a relentless, consistant cap

I parent like Jacob.

I am not a very good parent. I want to be. This is a struggle that I never thought that I would deal with. The love that I have for my boys is indubitably the most original and stong connection that I don't have words to describe. I want to love them perfectly. I have a desire for our every engagement to be a lesson learned, or a conversation that is assorted with humor, edification, love, and inspiration that leaves my boys with development towards the Holy Spirit and an understanding of mine and God's love for them that allows them to grow into young men who do powerful things for Jesus. Unfortunately, I am a disaster. If I were to list stories about the times that I have failed to do what I aspire to be as a parent, we could possibly have a situation where not only I were a laughing stock, but that if I were God, I would consider finding a way to choose a new mother for these kids. In fact, my sin seems to be only magnified as I reflect upon my parenting skills. Thankfully,

Letter of Introduction

Through prayerful consideration, I made the decision to write on the internet. This is nothing new for me. Since I signed up for Myspace in 2004, then Facebook in 2008, I have been an avid publisher of my thoughts and life experiences on the internet. For me, however, this avenue is something different. I have always been interested in blogs. Two of my closest friends blog, and I read them often. I love to look at home decoration blogs, or raising kids blogs, or cooking blogs (I don't cook, I just like to see that other people do). Today, I decided to post my first blog. I don't know quite what this means. I don't know if anyone will read this. I just want to write what the Holy Spirit is teaching me about. Because he teaches me to boast about my weaknesses, I assume that I will boast about those, and Him. Today, I am introducing myself to my blog. I assume that I will be the only reader right now. So apparently, I am introducing myself to myself. I am a wife. I am a mom.