
I lack patience. So much so that honestly, when I have it, I know it's the Holy Spirit working through me.

Sitting at the DMV, waiting for the computer to load, watching a commercial, or getting in line at Costco literally gives me heart palpitations. I know I am a product of my culture, because it is so America of me to choose to give my kids the microwave chicken nuggets, rather than actually make them chicken because I don't have patience to cook every night.

For the most part, we all are impatient. We don't even go to the store anymore. We DVR our television shows because it's the WORST sitting through another Tide commercial. So wait a half hour to watch a show rather than wait two minutes during each commercial break. We spend $10 on shipping so that we don't have to drive to the mall to buy a gift for the baby shower. I know you do it. You must. In 2009, on line retail sales were at $134.9 billion nationwide. In 2011? $171.1 billion (www.viralblog.com). One of the major reasons for the incline of online sales is attributed to the "time factor." American's don't like to wait.

Unfortunately, God works differently.

I don't know why some people think that I follow God because it makes my life easier. They equate following Jesus to following a team sport. Like it's my hobby. It is my extracurricular activity. I am a "Christian." Which means I go to church on Sunday. I say nice things to people. I am always happy. Life is so easy for me. I am good. I like geeky music. And I am going to definitely judge you if you make really stupid choices. Because I don't.

On the contrary: I've read the Bible. There were not a lot of Christ followers who had a really suburban, middle class, easy life. It's not like once people started following God, they got immediate good looks, good jobs, and whatever they wanted out of the material possessions in this life. Sometimes I think that is what we think of when we think of Christians. Or God. Like, "God, please get me that parking spot, because if I drive around this parking lot one more time, I might run into someone purposefully because I am so mad and you don't want me killing anyone, do you?"

I don't pretend to know what others think about anything. All I know is God doesn't work in the ways that I sometimes see Him portrayed in our culture. It's HARD following God. And anyone says the opposite have been lied to by Satan. Jesus never came to this earth to offer security, high speed internet, and a fast lane for just Christians during a traffic jam. He asked that we might take up a cross and follow Him.

He has never taught me anything that has boasted instant gratification. I think sometimes that we want that out of God. We want Him to fulfill us immediately; just like it is so nice to immediately watch my favorite show and be fulfilled instantaneously without commercials. We want so much to be so happy immediately. But He doesn't work immediately. I believed Jesus when He said "I tell you the truth, if you have faith as big as a mustard seed, and you asked that mountain to move, it would." (Matthew 17:20) But what does it take, though, to have faith?

I think it takes waiting. Waiting in faith. Waiting, to me, is sacrifice. I might wait on my kids at 4:30 am and clean their sheets when they wet the bed. I might wait on my husband by choosing not to harp on him. I might wait for my computer to load in prayer; that God would use the time to help me know Him better.

I get excited now. I get a little bit pumped when things don't go my way. When life seems to be less easy. The reason I get excited is because I know that He is working in me to show me what it means to take up my cross. It is NOT easy. He chooses to teach me through life's difficulties. But it is through waiting and seeking Him that I build my faith and understanding in Him. I wish that there were words to describe what it means to be a part of His story. To see glimpses of little things that He did to use me because I waited.

Being one of the billions throughout history to follow Christ is certainly not as simple as our culture wants it to be; like this spiritual, self fulfilling experience. Christ asked us to be sacrificial for His sake. But there is nothing like knowing the Creator of this earth is teaching me, and showing me about Him. And He is infinitely better than the immediate success I feel when I get the shortest line in the grocery store.

 "I waited patiently for the LORD; and he inclined unto me, and heard my cry" Psalm 40:1

(PS: I love the verbiage: “inclined unto me”.)


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