Dance like David

David's character resonates with me. I love his passion, his zeal, and his love for the Lord. He was not afraid to bear his heart. Whether scared, excited, or humbled, David was always transparent. His honesty is refreshing.

As a Hebrew, it was not common practice to dance in the streets. I believe there are many disagreements as to whether it was appropriate or not for David to behave in such an exorbitant manner after the ark of the covenent was placed back to his people. I love that David was able express himelf in such a way! Despite his wife's anger, and despite what others thought, David presents the public with an unconfined, overstated practice of worship. He disregarded the opinion of others and simply "danced with all of this might". Danced with all of his might! I don't know another verse in the bible that just speaks to me like this one. It is so inspiring; David's love for God. He is such a child at heart. He has such a relentless, consistant capacity to seek after God. And do you know what I love? That "David is a man after God's OWN heart"(1Samuel 13:13). People often would discredit David for acting like a herlot, or they might call him egotistical. But he was quick to give glory to the Lord.

I have often been accused as being someone who does before they think. I know that God does not honor that sort of action because Solomon speaks about the importance of weighing options and thinking before speaking. He also talks about the wisdom that there is in keeping quiet. But sometimes I can't. I think that as I have gotten older, I have gotten better. My husband has been a great blessing in my life because he has taught me the value of saving, and behaving. I often complain about how I can't do very much because of his conventional way of life, but I know that the reason God placed him in my life for a very important reason; I need his personality to lead me. His discernment is such a blessing in my life. I am so thankful to have a man like Jon as a husband.

But there are sometimes when I like to "dance like David." I have an exaperating personality that is often rubs people the wrong way. But I love this life. I love the struggles, the pain, the blessings, and the people. I can't tell you how excited I get to interact with others. To laugh. To cry. To be absured. I love to celebrate, and I love to be emotional. Jon gets so irritated with me because he doesn't ever know how I am going to react. I can tell you that I am a rollercoaster. And that really annoys others. And being someone that really loves others, it makes me feel distressed to be that kind of person. But when I am uninhibited, and I don't care what people think, it is my favorite thing to dance. Wherever. And praise Him. I am loud, and I love Him. And I know that God loves that part of me because David is a man after His own heart.

And Jesus said that he welcomes the person with childlike faith. It is not complacency nor does it mean that one should be apprehensive, or even uninformed. What it means is that with faith, we take on the day seeking His throne with the enthusiasm and excitement that you would as a child. Like David did in the streets. It is unpretentious. It is joyous. We chose to celebrate in all circumstances the gift of life that Christ came to give. And the hope that we have in His kingdom far exceeds the dullness of a rigid, hard-nosed faith that we get ourselves caught up in often.

I love the examples that God gives us of David in the Bible. This crazy, seemingly bi-polar personality that would offset any well meaning "Michal." Today, I am going to "play before the Lord." Regardless of what others think, or what I might get in trouble for, I am going to praise Jesus with all of my might. I invite you to also dance before the Lord with me; how offputting it might be.

“Then David returned to bless his household. And Michal the daughter of Saul came out to meet David and said, how glorious was the king of Israel today, who uncovered himself today in the eyes of the handmaids of his servants, as one of the vain fellows shamelessly uncovers himself! And David said unto Michal, It was before the Lord, which chose me before your father and before all his house,to appoint me ruler over the people of the Lord, over Israel: therefore will I play before the Lord. And I will yet be more vile than thus and will be base in my own sight:
and of the maidservants which you have spoken of, of them shall I be had in honor.”
2 Samuel 6:20-2


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