Daily Manna

The story of Israel wandering the desert is such a remarkable lesson to me. It's funny because not only had they experienced the miracles of the exodus, but they daily received food, guidance, law, and shelter from God. Daily. Almost immediately, they became so complacent with the manna God gave to them and with fact that miracles were happening, they began to sin and fall away. And it took them MUCH longer than it needed to for them to reach the promised land.

I can't say I blame them. I am just like those guys. God works such miracles in my life. I try to write them down. From finding a cell phone in rocks on a jetty, to providing me a way through graduate school, I can look back and literally see God writing a love story to me through my life. He is constant in his provisions and blessings. Some I ask for, some I don't. But all of them point me to the fact that He is a generous, loving, kind, glorious Lord. But I so often forget. I get complacent.

My day goes on, and the miracle of the sunrise, and the perfection of the 23.4 degree tilt of the Earth fail to impress me. I am blessed with His presence in my everyday life, and I become apathetic at best. In fact, I usually nitpick God. Just like those crazy people in the desert. I find something wrong with the manna God offers me daily. I pray against it. Like it's not enough.

How can we find ways to thank God for the gifts He offers us? What kind of days might we have when we are thankful for the work we do: Blessed by the direction he leads us in? I don't mean material possessions or treasures that the world might glorify. I'm talking about the Spirit. Where He has us live. Where He has us work. Who He puts in our lives. Blessings that come from Him.

I reflected upon these things before my day started today. I praised Him for the blessings in my life. I told Him that I needed Him today. To show me how to enjoy every part of my day. When I pray this, my circumstance becomes so full. So worth-while. God was SO present today. And it was nothing special. There was no need to take 500 Instragram pictures. But I worked, and played with my kids, and cleaned the kitchen, and drove to the grocery store. With my Lord. This joy He brings is MORE than enough.

Take heed, learn from the lessons that are written in our scriptures! God has given us exactly what we need. And it's perfect. And wonderful. And if we allow it to, it will satisfy us exactly the way He means it to.

God's manna rules. Blessings from above are far better than any fleeting joy that this world has to offer. All we have to do is accept it.

15 When the Israelites saw it, they said to each other, “What is it?” For they did not know what it was.Moses said to them, “It is the bread the Lord has given you to eat. 16 This is what the Lord has commanded: ‘Everyone is to gather as much as they need." Exodus 16:15-16


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