Baby Lala Week 10: Complainer

There is nothing like someone acknowledging that what you are going through is hard. It's not easy for me to explain to my husband that I literally can't stay up, and I need to sleep all day on Sunday. I'm so sick. And it's not like I have the stomach flu for two days. I have a toxic, sick feeling, and have for 5 weeks. And it will be over in three. I don't have a clue how moms make it through 9 months of pregnancy being sick. It is not easy.


This week, I was feeling like such a complainer. I spent the other morning asking for forgiveness because I feel like I am so unable to function and do well in anything right now. I'm tired and sick, and it takes everything out of me to work, let alone chase after a 2 year old and 5 year old and keep my house clean. I'm a hot mess right now. I don't even look at my shower, because it makes me want to throw up when I start to clean it. And I hardly have energy to vacuum.

Side note- I am so blessed by a husband who has kept up with the laundry, given nightly baths, and made dinners during this first trimester. He's a trooper.

On Thursday, a friend at Jazzercise told me she understood me.

"No one understands the kind of sick you have when you are pregnant," she told me, "it's not like a stomach flu feeling. It's worse. And it lasts for so long!"

And that night, I fell asleep to a message from a woman at church who let me know her concerns that I had a lot going on.

It felt so nice to have people that confirmed how miserable I am. I was thinking about how nice it felt this morning when I was praying.

I was asking the Lord for forgiveness the other morning, as he was planning to bless me with words of encouragement. He knows how to calm me. And the encouragement of others is so nice.

And guess what?!?!?! I get to have one more baby in 30 weeks. In three, I will do a better job of enjoying the moments of this pregnancy.


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