Baby Lala: Week 11...contentment

AH! Did you hear that sigh? Sweet relief is on the way. Yesterday and today have been two of my better days. Someone better slow me down, though, because I get waaaay too excited when I have energy-and so do these guys, who instead of having a sleeping mommy today, had a super fun mom who took them to the San Diego Safari Park after naps.

 Baby Lala is making me more excited lately. I was thinking about him/her (if it's a boy, I will change the "baby lala" name:)) Harrison was outside playing after the Wild Animal Park today. I pitched him a couple of balls so that he could practice for his game on Saturday, and I kept thinking about how big he was. I was about to head inside after playing baseball with him to clean up dinner, and he asked if I would sit and watch him play. Normally, I would tell him I had to clean, but I thought I would sit an enjoy the nice weather outside.

I was watching him play, thinking how often I used to sit and watch him play when he was little: before I had Henry, and when I was worried that if I didn't, something would happen to him. As life has gotten more busy, it is not as much apart of our routine that I sit an watch him. He was so sweet, as he packed up his toy car with his baseball gear, and drove around, then set up the "t" to practice batting in the backyard. He had a little plan, and as he played, I kept thinking that he had gotten so big so fast. And that although he looked so big, he also had the little toddler still left in him....and I know that he won't for long.

It made me so excited that I am blessed with the opportunity to watch another little baby grow to a toddler, and then a preschooler. This past 6 weeks have been such a struggle with trying to function, but I was filled with such anticipation as I watched Harrison play. And it made me think that I get so busy with silly things: cleaning the house, weeding the yard, working...and while I don't plan on letting go of household duties anytime soon, I need to enjoy all of these moments, because it's going to go faster with this last baby.

Today I'm praising God that I feel a little bit better. And I am finding joy and contentment in the moment right now, before I miss it. Despite being sick, and tired, and emotional, I am finding joy in this week 11. There is such blessing in enjoying my little almost-kindergartener and 2 year-11 month-old and in this little peanut who is the size of a fig.

Psalm 64:9-10
All mankind will fear; they will proclaim the works of God and ponder what he has done. Let the righteous rejoice in the LORD and take refuge in him; let all the upright in heart praise him!


  1. I am so excited for you and your blessed, growing family! enjoy and savor all the moments. That's what it's all about!


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