
I was blow drying my hair the other day and considering the wonders of God: that my hair in the back of my head stops at a clear line on my fore head. It sounds funny, and kind of trite, but how amazing and intricate is the Lord, who thought to create a hair line? I am so grateful for Him. He thought out the craziest details when creating man; when creating this world. Without my hairline, I could not get most things done. I wouldn't be able to eat, breath, see, or have attraction towards me. I would be covered. I am grateful for my face, that is isn't covered. I want to know how science can suppose that a big bang miraculously evolved the human race to such a point that DNA molecules wrote out the hair line. Can a scientist answer that for me? Someone tell me that there is no God for sure. And then tell me that this world is the way that it is by chance. And that the human race is an accident. Explain to me in detail, please. Because I have trouble understanding   the argument. Down to the hair line.

Moreover, would you explain why they simply think that Jesus was just a great philosopher? What kind of philosopher has ever made such rash statements as "I am going to sit at the right hand of my Father" (eluding to God). What "good man" has ever explained to the world that he was one with God. And if he has, has he not been thrown into a crazy hospital, rather than change history with the three years he preached? Three years resulting in a death on a cross: a death that he didn't deserve. A death that he preached would grant the human race a free ticket to eternity with God. The life of Christ is one that has been like no other on this earth. However, so often, I watch people hear about it, and brush it off as if it has no relevance. And if it has relevance, they are so afraid of surrendering to it, that they run from it.

When I bring up Jesus to people, they get squeamish. "Me? Follow Jesus? Do you know what Christians look like? They are lame." I agree. Some Christians are lame. Some Christians are not. But I wonder if they have thought about who Jesus might be? Have they considered what it might look like to follow Him? Have they looked into who Jesus was, what He said, and thought about the fact that maybe He was right? Maybe He wants to take an active role in this life?

I think He wants to invade us. He wants us in Heaven with Him. He wants to make this life better. I don't mean better, like worldly better. But I mean spiritually. God is so cool. Not Ned Flanders cool, either. I mean when you look at the beach. Or Yellowstone Park. Or consider the Grand Canyon or the Swiss Alps, or the Saharan desert. When we look at creation, we know that it's bigger than us. It's beautiful. It's dangerous. It can give us life, or it can kill us. We have no control over it, for the most part, and that's our God. He created this world. And even in it's sinful, deadly state, there is so much depth and beauty in it. People for centuries have attempted to map it, figure it out, control it, name it...but we know that it is greater. Like Him.

I love the moment that Jesus revealed himself to Saint Paul. He saw a bright light, and when he asked, "who are you, Lord?", it was Jesus who answered him: the Jesus he had been killing against. The Jesus he was so certain was a fake. Who the leaders of the faith ordered Paul to get rid of. Paul's reality was that of a Jew. He hated Christians. They were false prophets, in Paul's mind. Jesus may have been a "good man," but he was stirring up trouble, and turning good Jews away from the law of Moses, and Paul wanted nothing to do with Him. So much so, he was willing to slay anyone who believed in Him. And I love God. Because it wasn't enough for the Lord to come to this earth again and show Himself to Paul, but it's almost as if He knew that the great sign and wonder would not be enough. God sends Ananias to reiterate what Jesus told him. It's like Paul's like us. We need "signs" before we totally conform to Jesus. I believe we all have many "signs" in our lives. It's whether we surrender to Him or not that matters.

I wonder. Why are the people in my life so afraid of Jesus? What do they think He wants from them? And when I talk about Jesus, it's like I'm a drugged up hippie or something. Either that or someone who is "holier than though." I admit, I have my "judgmental" Christian moments. Probably more that I want to admit. And I am not perfect. But that is why I am a Christian. That is why I follow Jesus. He is the only religious leader that tells us that we can't reach perfection. Buddha has all of the answers, remember? You can reach enlightenment on your own if you follow the 8 fold path. Confucius said that if you follow your dad, your leaders, and those who are above you, and are nice to others, that you will be able to have a perfect life. The Hindus believe that if you make the right choices in life, eventually, you will be a Brahman and reach the highest form of livelihood to enlightenment. And the list goes on. From religious leaders, to great philosophers. They preach that they have the answers. Don't get me wrong; there are so many good ideas and thoughts that arise from other philosophers and religious leaders. But none of them call themselves God. He teaches that we aren't perfect. That we are unable to do the right thing. That we can't make right choices on our own. And He promises in John 3:16, that if we believe in Him, we will be in Heaven with Him. And that's it. No 8 fold path, choosing the right, or doing good deeds. Just to believe and ask the Holy Spirit in our hearts.

This is my reality. When I look at the mountains, or the ocean. When I look at creation, or when I am watching TV. When I experience heart ache, or when I am feeling blessed beyond measure. When life happens, and I am filled with joy or sorrow, I know that Jesus Christ is Lord. I have a hope in my future. I know. I seriously know that I am going to heaven with Him. I have such joy in experiencing His presence in my life. I am not perfect. He is perfect. And I am so blessed by my God's love.

"God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believes in him, shall not perish but have everlasting life. (John 3:16).


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