Walk in the garden

When God of Heaven called me to follow Him, I was like a blind person unsure of what to know and what to expect. I remember praying that He would teach me and show me who He was. I had no idea the adventure that He would take me on. And I don't mean the kind of adventure that people write movies about. It has been more of a spiritual adventure. I look back on my old prayer books and notes in my bible, and pictures of who I was throughout the years of following Him, and I am inspired and stand in awe of where He has brought me. I by no means am in a place where I can say with confidence that I am following Him and know Him to the best of my ability. There are questionable choices I make on a regular basis. However, there are so many times where I surprise myself. It might be a reaction to a circumstance, or a verse that I memorized, that I sit back and know for certain that it was not me who learned how to be this way.

When I cut back my plants in my garden, I get a little bit sad. Sometimes it takes so long for my roses to grow or my hydrangea's to bloom. But we all know what happens when we cut back the older part of the plants. The base grows stronger, the leaves greener, and the flowers more beautiful. If I am attentive, the plants in my garden will bloom so nicely. I was gardening today and considering the teachings of the Lord. He talks about the fact that He is the potter, and that I am like clay. Sometimes in order that I become what He wants me to, He will need to break me down to a clump of clay in order that I become what He might wish. The same goes for my garden. I don't think if my plants could speak that they would want to be pruned. But it is necessary that I do so every so often in order that I can ensure that they become as beautiful as what I would need to make them to be.

This walk with God has been such a blessing to look back upon. I am so unworthy of who He is in my life. I fall short so often, and I make bad choices, but He doesn't give up on me. I wish I could convince everyone that I know to follow Jesus. I wish I could explain to their hearts what it means to follow Christ. How it is to know that He is working on me as a potter works on clay. That the God of the Universe takes up my heart, and cares about every circumstance in my life. And what He could do for them if they would surrender their lives to His story.

It's not always easy following God. Sacrifice and taking up the cross is a difficult job. Re-focusing my attention off the world and onto Him has been a challenge, because the enemy wants my eyes off the cross. But He promises that His burden is light. And whether or not we believe we need a lighter burden, or whether we think we need a savior or not, I can say with confidence that He is real, and He has such a desire for us to understand the love story that He has written for us. It takes a lot of pruning, constantly, to know Him better; to get where He wants me. However, cutting back the old branches in my heart by Him is far better (and nicer) than trying to live this life without someone to attend to them.

"All your people will be righteous. They will possess their land forever, for I will plant them there with my own hands in order to bring myself glory." Isaiah 60:21

"And yet, O LORD, you are our Father. We are the clay, and you are the potter. We all are formed by your hand" Isaiah 64:8


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